
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1064 From: bb_lazar Date: 4/28/2011
Subject: DIGITAL + ANALOG encoders, is it possible?
I have a dream.... connect up a hexapod to the KFLOP+KANALOG I have.

SO.... I have 6 digital encoders for the hexapod PLUS need 3 more axes but with *analog* (RGH22A15L00) Renishaw encoders.
Can I I/F analog at all?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1065 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/29/2011
Subject: Re: DIGITAL + ANALOG encoders, is it possible?
There is a "resolver" input mode that might work with the Analog Encoders.  I used Google and researched your encoders for you and found this:
It looks like they output 1V pp sine/cosine signals with a 20um pitch.
The Kanalog ADC input range is 20V so a lot of the resolution would be lost feeding the signal straight in but the resolution would probably still be 1um or better.
There would also be a speed limitation.  KFLOP samples the ADCs every 90us and needs to see several samples per cycle.  If I did the math right the highest speed without dropping cycles comes out to 6000mm/min.
KFLOP only supports 8 axes but you apparently need 6+3=9?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 1066 From: bb_lazar Date: 4/30/2011
Subject: Re: DIGITAL + ANALOG encoders, is it possible?
Thanks for your research Tom.
I should have at least posted the basic specs for the Renishaw encoders, sorry about that.

The 6 axes are for the Hexapod (I should also say more correctly, Stewart-Gough platform). PID loops obviously required for the "legs" and are covered BUT the 3 other analog encoders are for position only. They're not required for any PIDs. They are used to solve the kinematics without resorting to a potentially complex algorithms normally used.
Speed is not a priority actually so 6000mm/min sounds sufficient for my purpose I believe.
As far as the encoder output voltages goe, could I not scale the output with a pre-amp to 20V for the resolver inputs? On the other hand, 1um might be enough.
Sounding promising so far.


--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> There is a "resolver" input mode that might work with the Analog Encoders.  I
> used Google and researched your encoders for you and found this:
> http://resources.renishaw.com/en/Data+sheet%3A+RGH22+series+readhead(16703)
> It looks like they output 1V pp sine/cosine signals with a 20um pitch.
> The Kanalog ADC input range is 20V so a lot of the resolution would be lost
> feeding the signal straight in but the resolution would probably still be 1um or
> better.
> There would also be a speed limitation.  KFLOP samples the ADCs every 90us and
> needs to see several samples per cycle.  If I did the math right the highest
> speed without dropping cycles comes out to 6000mm/min.
> KFLOP only supports 8 axes but you apparently need 6+3=9?
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: bb_lazar <bb_lazar@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thu, April 28, 2011 8:07:18 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] DIGITAL + ANALOG encoders, is it possible?
> I have a dream.... connect up a hexapod to the KFLOP+KANALOG I have.
> SO.... I have 6 digital encoders for the hexapod PLUS need 3 more axes but with
> *analog* (RGH22A15L00) Renishaw encoders.
> Can I I/F analog at all?
> Thanks!
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1068 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/30/2011
Subject: Re: DIGITAL + ANALOG encoders, is it possible?
Actually the "Resolver" input mode normally requires an Axis channel to be configured in that mode to define the ADCs to be used, scale and offset them, do the arc-tan, count the cycles, etc...  But there are some undocumented functions you could call from a User program to do most of this for you to not consume an axis channel.  User programs execute every other axis servo so the max speed would be reduced 2X.  If you get that far ask me and I can provide more details.
Can't wait for the video!